Thursday, February 21, 2008

Church Planting Update

This past Sunday Greenleaf held its "What the Heck is Greenleaf?" service. Some of you may be asking what the heck is a what the heck is Greenleaf service. For more detailed answers to that question, please see Rodger's blog.

In the essence of time, I will just report a few things that are standing out in my mind from last Sunday and from the church more generally speaking.

1. We are growing! We started with three. . . now we are hovering around 20! This last service we had 22 (I think).

2. We have our first home group. It is a floating home group, meaning we rotate whose home we meet at. It is fun. I love home groups.

3. My little worship team is developing. First it was just me. Then we added a percussionist. Now I am practicing with another guitar player in hopes that as the church grows and he becomes more familiar with the music, he will help out on Sunday evenings. Also, as we get more home groups, he might potentially lead in the homegroup setting.

4. We are continuing to reach out. We have been working with the Inter-Faith Council here in Chapel Hill to meet the needs of the poor and homeless in our community. Our newest project is the CROP Walk. I'll post more about it in the near future.

5. We are dreaming and praying big. Our little church really believes that God is at work in our community. We want to be a part of what He is doing more than anything else. We want to see miraculous things happen. We want to see lives changed! Pray with us for big things!
I don't know whay this happens so often now, but the date on this post is wrong. It is actually Tuesday, February 26, 2008.

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