Thursday, April 20, 2006

General Update

I haven't blogged much lately. I've felt like I want to especially since I'm on a break from work and I have time, but only one problem. . . no inspiration. I have no funny stories to tell. I have not had any moments of revelation about life, love, spirituality, or anything. So I will do a semi-boring post about what I have been up to on my holiday.
For Easter Sunday I went to my first ever sunrise service. It was nice. Then I spent the whole day at a friend's apartment. We talked and talked and talked. It was good, really good. Then I went to an evening church service as well. On Monday, I went into the school and did some work for my teacher's certification. Tuesday I went shopping at the secondhand market with some of the people I work with. Wednesday was spent cleaning house, doing laundry, packing for Dahab, and dying shirts black (they had stains on them, but I hated to just throw them out). Then I went with a friend for coffee and ended up having dinner at her apartment and playing pool for the first time in ages. At 12:30 am I left for Dahab. Esther and I and four others took the over night bus and arrived in Dahab around 10:00 am. The rest of the day was spent lying in the sun, walking in the sun, wading in the Red Sea, napping in the hotel room, eating, and smoking sheesha. Altogether, a wonderful way to spend your holiday. This should be a really fun trip. There are the six of us who came last night/this morning, three others arrived this evening, and one more will come tomorrow. We have board games, books, word puzzles, and each others company to keep us occupied. I love my life.


WoundedHealer said...

Hey Dottie Wottie:) Glad that you had a great Easter and are enjoying your friends. I have also been somewhat uninspired of late and am kind of trudging along. Jason and his fiance were here this past weekend and it was fun to have them:)


Dottie said...

The pics on your blog are good. I can't believe Jesse is about to go to college soon. I remember when you guys used to come with the uptown vineyard to do outreach in Olmstead Homes. She was like 8 or 9 then! How time flies.

Anonymous said...

You don't know me. I was searching for information on Dahab after I heard about the explosions and I came accross your blog. I really hope you and your friends are all ok,


Mike L. said...

Dottie, we are all praying for your safety. Please email us or post something to your blog to let us know that you are safe.

Mike L. said...

Dottie is safe!!! Ed Kaufman just talked to her. Dottie doesn't know where Sarah is, so they are still looking for her.

Veronica Leaptrott said...

Dottie, Sarah, Easter and others you are in our prayers, You know that I love all of you like you were my little sister.