Thursday, December 13, 2007

Good Day

Today is one of those days where nothing really amazing happened, but lots of little good things happened and you just find yourself smiling all day long. yay. I like those days alot.

Good thing #1: My boss paid me a compliment today. He thanked me for all my work in the office and complimented how organized and neat everything was and noted that it was so much better than before I was there.

Good thing #2: I had this crazy dream last night. I dreamed an episode of The Office. Not like a dream repeating an old episode. This was brand new episode of my very own imagination. I'm sure it was genius. Unfortunately, I can't remember enough of it to make any sense. Darn it.

Good thing #3: I got my oil changed at the best jiffy lube in the world. The employees there were so friendly and helpful to all of the customers, but they treated me like a movie star. Why, you ask? Because my car has over 361,000 miles on it. That is something to be treated with reverence in the jiffy lube world.

Good thing #4: This was actually from yesterday, but it had me smiling all day today. My boss told me that I have the whole week of Christmas off! Not that I mind working. I'm really loving it, but nothing beats seeing friends and family that I miss like crazy.

Good thing #5: A phone call from my mom. Sometimes she is just so sweet. I miss her.

Good thing #6: A phone conversation with my friend John. He always says the right things and makes me feel like a million dollars. Plus I found out that one of his friends thinks I have mad Dance, Dance Revolution skills, which is a major self -esteem booster for me.

Good thing #7: A voice mail from my friend Jeremy. He doesn't always say the right things, but when he does. . . you know he means it. :O)

Good thing #8: A comment on my blog from Dianna, and reading her blog as well. She makes me laugh and so do her girls.

Good thing #9: A generally nice/fun evening with Rodger and Angela. I can't put my finger on it, but there was a feeling of pleasantness throughout the house. Not that it is ever really unpleasant, but tonight was exceptionally pleasant.

Good thing #10: Emails from one of my sisters as well as my sister-in-law. Just good to touch base with them, ya know.

Good thing #11: I am going to see Esther tomorrow. That definitely made me smile all day today.


My name is Dianna said...

#1)Dottie making my heart smile on an ever so blah day...

#2)Dottie's reply to my comment on her blog....

#3)...which is really like #.00001 because you can't get any higher than 1 and this is definitely higher the #1!!!.....I get to see Dottie-Wottie-Stink-POO-POO for Christmas! Yay!!!

BTW you car rocks!

Anonymous said...

yay, i'm glad you had a good day. i've been having a couple of those lately, and i don't know why, but they always surprise me. are we really that pessimistic?

anyway, keep writing! i love reading.

happy christmas, like those crazy brits say!