Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Week of Highs and Lows

Where do I begin with this week? Well, let's back track a little. . .

Going back to December 19th, I put my paper work in for an apartment in Carrboro. This began a frustrating saga of delay after delay which has been on going for nearly a month now.

Going back to last week, I began a huge mailing project at work involving somewhere in the ballpark of 2,000 letters going out. All of these letters are individually addressed and tweaked slightly for each and every person. So this takes alot of time.

So Monday, my boss and I catch a typo in the letters. We start to redo what we had already done, then he decides that the typo isn't so significant that we should redo everything. So we carry on with only a little bit of lost time. I skip my lunch break to try and make up for the lost time. No real news on my apartment. I talked to the lady who had been handling my paperwork, only to find out that she is no longer handling my paperwork and it has been passed on to her superior. I called her superior, but was only able to leave a message for her.

Tuesday, I talked to the lady who now is handling my paper work for the apartment. She is very apologetic for the length of time it has taken and promises me an answer one way or the other by the end of the day. I never heard back from her that day. I called back and left a message. Then at work, a more significant typo is found at about 4:00 pm and we literally have to redo each and every single letter. I want to shoot myself in the face. Time, money, effort gone down the drain. I stay three hours late to work on it. I leave work only to find that my car won't start. I sit in my car for 30 or 40 minutes telling myself that the next time I turn the key it will crank. No such luck. I call Rodger and Angela to come rescue me. I eat chinese food while I wait for them. They come. We stand out in the cold trying to charge my battery and then replace my battery, but it was all for naught. My car would not start. They bought me a snickers bar. We go home.

Today, I make significant progress at work and start to feel like I might actually be catching up. Finally. I have my car towed to a shop, but they can't work on it until tomorrow. So I don't know what the damage is gonna be there. I hope it's not too rediculous. The apartment people call. I'm approved!! Double Finally!! Yay!

Tomorrow, hopefully my car will be fixed. Hopefully it won't be too expensive. Hopefully I can find the time and the transportation to go by my new apartment complex to sign final paperwork and get my key. Hopefully there will be no more hang ups at work.

This weekend, Esther comes to visit and help me move in!! Maybe, just maybe Bee Jay and Alice will come up from GA with my bed.

So hopefully all the bad things happened at the beginning of the week and it will all just get better as the week progresses.


My name is Dianna said...

Wine and chocolate, on me. I'm sorry you're car is acting up!

Dottie said...

you sure do know the key to my heart :)