Monday, June 09, 2008

Enjoying the Ride

The first several months after moving to North Carolina could be simplified into one single word. . . survival. That might be a tad dramatic, but only a tad. OK, no I was never at death's door and at no point (to my knowledge) was anybody stalking me with any harmful intent, but there were plenty of trials and stressful circumstances and loneliness and disappointments, etc.

But for the moment, many of the difficult circumstances have either been resolved or put off for me to deal with at a later date. And to add to the minimized stress in my life, I feel like I am actually making friends here. I have been going out to eat with people, going to the movies, having people over to watch movies, meeting people for coffee, meeting people for beer, having people over to play volleyball, having people over to make cookies, painting pottery with people, and the list goes on. And I love it. I must admit that somedays I get home and, between my full-time job, two part-time jobs, and social life, I am thoroughly exhausted, but is that good kind of tired. At the end of the day, I lie down in my bed and just before I fall dead asleep (within two minutes of head hitting the pillow) I feel really alive. It is a good feeling. Just thought I would share that with you all :)

1 comment:

My name is Dianna said...

though i wish it was me doing all those things with you....i am really happy for you i have been praying for friends to come your way-good friends. i hope that rodger and angela are reaping the same blessings...
just remember, we'll always have 80's night!