Friday, December 23, 2005

I'm slack

I haven't posted in for-freakin-ever. I'm really sorry about being so boring. But in the last two weeks I've had Christmas performances and parties, moving into a new apartment, loss of internet access in my move, and finally I've spent the last 24 hrs traveling from Cairo to Augusta. It's good to be home for Christmas. It's really good to meet my new nephew and niece! But I was in the airport at the baggage claim waiting for my luggage to appear, when it hit me like a ton of bricks. I suddenly felt what I knew in my head all along. This Christmas will be stressful. I hate to be a prophet of doom, but my family has been on edge with each other for the last 5 months (at least). So now we are trying to get together and pretend like it isn't that way, only that doesn't work at all. We are all either incapable of hiding what we feel or we are able to hide for a bit and then when the next thing happens we explode twice as much. So there in the airport I was almost ready to hop back on a plane to Cairo. I suppose nothing is ever solved by running away from it, but I don't know what I can do to make amends between the battling sides.

Anyhow, my nephew is adorable and he has a striking resemblance to my brother when he was a baby. Well, that's about all for now. I'll see some of you soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WELCOME HOME DOTTIE. I have been here in NJ for 2 weeks having a great time. I'll be praying for this time. Your family loves each other that's for sure. Rosemary