Saturday, December 03, 2005

A Little Too Comfortable

One of the nice things about living in a place where most people don't speak your language is that you feel like you can openly talk in public about things that are personal to your friends and not worry too much about the taxi driver or the people at the table next to you listening in on your conversation. But I had to step back today and think that maybe I'd gotten a little too comfortable in my non-english speaking environment. I was in the mall today with Sara and began singing out loud "Like a Virgin". Maybe I can get away with that here, but if I go back to the states and start singing or talking about personal things loudly in public places it will not be good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dottie that is sooo true!!! It is nice to be able to talk about things and not have to worry about the taxi driver knowing your life story!!!