Tuesday, December 06, 2005


I starting moving my things over to my new apartment today. I've got another week and a half here at the old apartment, so for a little while I'll be living between two places. I'm excited about the new place. It makes me want to stay in Egypt longer, just so that this place feels a bit more like home. Then I wouldn't mind putting in some money for really decorating the place and getting all those nice touches that make a place feel like home. However, I suppose an apartment isn't a good enough reason to stay. So for the time being my plans for coming home after this school year stand as before. I could still change my mind. It has been known to happen, but I really want to go back to school. So anyways, that's my update for now.


1 comment:

Dottie said...

Really? I did not know. That's good info. I was thinking of going to UGA, so it's nice to have some other options.