Sunday, May 08, 2005


Here's the lyrics to a song I wrote, just looking for some feedback on it. You can't really without hearing the tune and everything, but if you like it or if you think it's gay, let me know. It's just supposed to be a sort of cutsy song, nothing really serious. Ok, without further ado, here it goes.

Prayers drift to thoughts
Thoughts fade into dreams
In my dreams there's you and me
Sailing out to sea

We forget about the world
And all our memories, we left them far behind
Just dreaming on our boat
Sailing out to sea

I'd live off cheese and crackers
I'd live out in the sun
If we could have our boat
Drifting out on our sea
I'd sing to you 3 times daily
We'd be like fish and chips
If we could have our boat, our sea
If I could have your love


Anonymous said...

That song is so gay! Oh wait I dont speak like that. All the same I enjoyed it, lovely work.

-Adam (so gay!)

Anonymous said...

DOTTIE WOTTIE!!! I LOVE your new blog! I miss you soooooo much you hoochie. Tell Sara and Esther hello and Esther I'm sorry I missed you when you were in town recently. Smooches.


Dottie said...

I miss you too Wangels! Hope you and Kim are getting into plenty of mischief for me!

Anonymous said...

I like it.

The only thing is that the first part doesn't seem to flow with the rest. It seems kinda serious or melancholic while the rest is fun.

Great words! I know you can make it work.