Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Filling in Some Blanks

It seems I've been running from here to there to almost everywhere these days. The past two weeks have been so packed with random stuff that I don't even know how to post about it all (and I won't). You all know about the job, which is the major event. Other side acts have included a semi-spontaneous trip to Charleston, interesting interactions with GIs, temporary insanity (followed by an "aha" moment and reality beginning to set back in) and catching up with a couple of college friends via long phone conversations. So here are a few comments/observations from the past fortnight (I love using British words!).

1. Spontaneous road trips are therapy for me.
2. Alice, Mary and I are great at being absolutely retarded together. I love that.
3. GIs can be funny. GIs can be scary. GIs can be overly dramatic. O the many faces of a GI.
4. Insanity can cost you a lot. I am so thankful that mine is (hopefully) just temporary.
5. I hoped that from my insanity I might glean some new wisdom. I was disappointed to find that I went through it all only to come back and find the truths I had known before. Perhaps I now know them to be even more true. It's just a little frustrating.
6. I love Jess and Carrie. They are what I miss the most about my college days.

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