Thursday, March 01, 2007

Failure to Launch

I never could quite bring myself to sit down and watch this movie for a few reasons. (1) I never have quite been able to find Matthew M. a likeable character. He always seems phony to me. (2) The movie sounded like it would be an over-the-top, cheesy chick-flick. (3) I am quoting my dear friend Sara on this one. . . "It just hits too close to home."
I say this because I am soon to move back in with mom and dad. Sigh. Twenty-six and back in the same bedroom I had when I was eight. Sometimes I feel like a loser. Oh, well. Financially this is really actually the best thing to do. Save money for the new car and for the move to NC. Plus our lease at the house in the ghetto has one more month till it is up, and Mary is exploring other housing options too. So that's that.


Anonymous said...

You are in good company. We moved back in with my parents (twice) - I was even married at the time! The movie wasn't that great. we saw it on the airplane and I just wasn't that interested.
Heather :)

Dottie said...

It's good to know I'm not alone.

patrick | steed said...

i feel safer if i have to come to your house, now. so, that's good.

Jen! said...

OK a. Matt M. is TOTALLY hot. b. I thoguht the movie was pretty good, although it is a bit chick cheesy and c. You are about to move hundreds of miles away form your family - there is nothing "loserish" about staying with them for a bit to save up money. So says Jen. :)