Tuesday, June 21, 2005

1:30am attempts at poetry

I thought I finished you off
I chewed you up
I ate every crumb
Till there was no more,
No more of you to tease me
Only now it's me your eating
But I finished you off
I thought.

I thought I finished you off
I fought the fight
I saw you falling down
Till there was no more,
No more of you to taunt me
Only now it's me your haunting
But I finished you off
I thought.

I thought I finished you off
I wrote a book on you
Revealed your lies and schemes
Till there was no more,
No more false hope in my eyes
Only now this heart betrays me
I just wanted to finish you off
I thought.


RedPita said...

wonderful dottie! you never cease to amaze me!

Dottie said...

That means alot, coming from you. Thanks so much!