Friday, December 22, 2006

7 Christmas Thank-Yous

7. Thanks Esther for coming to visit me this week. You gave me something to look forward to for the last month or so.

6. Thank you Sara for coming to spend Christmas with me this year. You make me feel not so lonely.

5. Thanks Alice for spending so much time with me since I've been back from Cairo. You have been my sanity.

4. Thank you so much Mary for switching cars with me while I go on my road trip to Iowa. You are the best sister a girl could hope for!

3. Thank you Craig and Erin for getting married. You have given me the opportunity to have time off work, go on a road trip and see some long lost friends.

2. Thanks Jeff Miller for being such a good pastor. Your last sermon helped me feel slightly more ok with the fact that I'm not really giving many Christmas presents this year.

1. (Obviously) Thank you God for the original Christmas and all of its implications. Wow, just wow.

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