Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Long Awaited

I know I haven't posted in like three weeks. I miss posting, but whaddaya do when your computer is seemingly incompatible with the new Beta setup. I just have to wait for access to other computers. So for the now, posts will be few and far between. As they say in Cairo. . . malesh.
So the update with me is as follows. . . my dining room table now has legs. We also have a Christmas tree up and a few strands of lights up outside. Hence, my house is feeling more like a home and less like a hole. Which is really great since I am about to have a couple of guests for the holidays!!! Esther is coming to stay with me on Saturday and she'll be with me for about a week. Shortly thereafter, Sara will come and stay with me for Christmas before we embark on our greatly anticipated road trip!!!!
In other news, my hours at work have changed. I am now working at the daycare from 6:00am (YUCK!!!!) till 2:00pm. My tutoring job generally goes from about 4:30-7:30, give or take a half hour. So I am basically a zombie by the end of the day. . . just ask Rodger and Angela how I was at kinship last night. But the catering job has slowed down for me. They have only called me to work once in the last month. I'm enjoying having my weekends to play, but I am missing that extra cash.
Another important bit of info for you is that my sister Julie is having a girl!!! She found out the gender about a week ago. They already have a name picked out, Eliana Grace. I'm not sure if I spelled it correctly, but whatever. Well, I gotta jet and get to job number two. Hopefully it won't be another three week stretch before the next post.

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