Saturday, December 30, 2006

So Far, So Fun

I needed this trip so bad. I needed to be out of Augusta. I needed to be with friends. I needed a break from work. I needed to be around other single people, just so I would remember that being single does not make me a freak (it's odd that I would have to go to a wedding to feel good about being single, but that's just how my life is right now).
Anyhow, Sara and I left Wednesday evening and stopped in Nashville for the night. My assessment of Tennessee is that the friendliest people in the world live there. The next day we took on the remainder of the trip. All was going swimmingly until we got to Illinois. I was driving. I had been holding the urge for a potty break for about an hour, when we hit standstill traffic on the interstate due to some terrible truck accident that had happened the previous night. I held it for as long as I could (at least another hour) until I could hold it no longer. I swallowed my pride, let Sara take the wheel and headed for the bushes while all the knowing eyes followed me. About 45 minutes later Sara had to do the same. And, believe it or not, I had to do it a second time before it was all over. We moved two miles in two hours. I kid you not. It was hellacious. I experienced a feeling I had never experienced before. My kidneys actually ached and my bladder actually felt exhausted. I seriously considered investing in some adult diapers so that I would never have to hold it again. But after that was over, it was smooth sailing again.
We met up with Esther and Edward at the hotel. We are staying at a really nice hotel. I keep expecting them to ask me to leave. Anyways, we wandered around today and went to the rehearsal dinner this evening. It was nice. Seeing my old Cairo buddies is like heaven. I am so glad I got to come. That is all for now. Hopefully I'll get to write again soon, but no guarantees.

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