Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Bill Collectors

The bill collectors have super powers too. They can sense when I just got paid and actually start thinking "Hey Dottie, you actually have a decent amount of money in your account! Maybe with you next paycheck you could start putting some in savings!" That's when it happens. All the bills come that very same day, just to tell me "no, no, you are not that good and you will never be able to save one red cent!"



My name is Dianna said...

I TOTALLY feel your pain!!!

patrick | steed said...

YEAH. i'd like to stab them in the ribs and stuff.

Mike L. said...

If you try to save out of what is left over, then you will never save. Remember, there is always somebody somewhere that lives just fine on 80% of what you make. Figure out how they do it and live like them, then save the rest.