Saturday, June 09, 2007

A Lazy Saturday Morning

This Saturday is the first Saturday in awhile that has been just. . . lazy. Saturdays in my recent past have been filled with helping friends move, babysitting, music practices, day trips to vist extended family, etc. But today is different and different is good, very good.

Today I woke up about 6:45 am (as I always do). But instead of getting out of bed immediately, showering and taking on the day, I laid in bed for a solid hour. I thought and prayed and thought some more. I needed that. Truth be told, it wouldn't do me any harm to go back and lie in my bed for another hour or two just thinking and praying.

Lately life has been feeling a little out of sync for me. It's that whole transitional thing. I'm about to move, but I haven't moved yet. My friendships have been borderline strained, as people deal with freinds moving away in very different ways. Some get mad at you for dumb stuff so that it won't be so hard to say good-bye. Some just stop calling you altogether. Although, there are some friends who realized that North Carolina is not the ends of the earth and that this move does not mean a death sentence for our friendship. For those friends, I am very grateful.

Aside from relationships here, the transition phase of this move is starting to get a little. . . what's a good word for it. . . unnerving? Still no job in North Carolina. Still no place to live in North Carolina. And it's not just me either. Rodger and Angela and the Lindseys too. Not a one of us has got these major pieces of the puzzle sorted out. And it's looking like the move may be pushed a little further back, yet again. It's looking like it might be August before we get up there, which is fine. I do have a good job here. I can continue to save money. I worry more for Rodger and Angela than anyone else, as they have already sold their house and given up their teaching positions here in Augusta. Something needs to come through for them over the next month or so.

Anyhow, these were the issues weighing on my mind this morning as I laid lazily in my bed.
Getting back to my lazy Saturday. . . I leisurely got out of bed and threw on a random-ass outfit (I have to say that I am looking down at myself and thinking "what are you wearing?"). Then I grabbed my mom's laptop and headed over to R. Gabriel's to enjoy a cup of joe, a cinnamon scone (mmmmmm), and free wireless connection. And here I have been for about two hours. I have blogged (twice!). I have responded to emails that I have meant to respond to for over a month now. And I am starting to feel more on top of things.

Next on the agenda. . . laundry.

A little later this evening. . . drive to the ATL and stay in a ghetto motel with Esther!

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