Friday, August 10, 2007

Limited Internet Time

I took a last-minute house sitting job for an indefinite amount of time. I'm happy to do it and the house is actually much closer to my job than my parent's house, so it really isn't inconveniencing me at all except. . . NO INTERNET!!!!!! Yikes. So I came in early to work just so I could have some time to respond to emails, check blogs, etc. I am so addicted to the internet.

Anyhow, I had a job lead this week. I'm praying this is my ticket to Chapel Hill, but I'm trying to not get too excited about it.

And I had an epiphany about my life this week. I struggle alot with my emotions. Frequently I make mention of this in my blogs, but you're not even getting the half of it. Because truth be told, I'd rather not have all of you aware of just how nutty I can be. So anyhow, the epiphany is this. . . I don't have to beat my emotions and feelings. I don't have to conquer them or make them suddenly just not exist anymore. All I have to do is just not let them beat me. It's like land war in Asia (name that movie reference). The home army doesn't have to decimate the foriegners. All they have to do is hold their ground until the climate and time do all the dirty work for them. So that's me. I just have to hold out until time and circumstances take care of my emotions for me. So there it is. Wish me well in the whole "holding out" thing.

p.s. please don't think I am too crazy. I am convinced other people are alot like me, they're just not saying it out loud.


Mark Jaffrey said...

The Princess Bride

Do I get a prize?

Dottie said...

The satisfation of knowing that you are a very cool person.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I recognized it too! Along with Iocaine powder... And, you are not any more nuts than the rest of us...scary thought!

patrick | steed said...

i knew it was Princess Bride. you know i knew it.

Dottie said...

I knew that you knew that I knew you would know it.