Wednesday, August 24, 2005

A Blog for Esther

Last night Esther requested that there be a new blog for her to read in the morning, so here it is.

I have nothing much to write about. Work is fine. Meetings, meetings, and more meetings all week. I finally got a chance to start setting up my classroom yesterday afternoon.

I am nearly done with Harry Potter. I wanted to finish last night, but at 2:00 am I reached that point where you keep reading the same paragraph over and over and so I had to put it down. I am ready to finish though. I can't seem to get anything else accomplished when I am home until I am done with this book.

I still have no coffee pot. Apparently it was broken over the summer. So it's wait til I get to work for coffee or instant coffee. I promise to write a more interesting blog soon. Now I am going to read Harry Potter.

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