Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Deja Vous and Spiritual Giftings

It turns out that the job I thought I had I actually don't know if I have it. No worries though. It will all work out. But I did go in for some basic testing and an interview for the job (all of which I think went well). I should know either way in two or three weeks. In the meantime I am still job hunting and trying to make myself useful here at my parent's house by cleaning, running errands, mowing the lawn and babysitting for my older sister.

Going back to the interview. . . I went to the office for Partnership in Achievement for my interview and testing. And lo and behold their office was in the same building as where I used to go see a shrink when I was a kid. It was weird. I walked in the office entry and suddenly I was eight years old again and waiting to go see my therapist. In fact the room where I did testing for the job was the same room that I used to meet with him in. Total deja vous (not sure if I spelled that right).

On a completely unrelated note, I did a test on spiritual giftings last night. I was a little suprised at the results. I expected leading worship to be my number one gift, but it was (according to this test) number two. What was number one, you ask? Celibacy. Well, I have to say that I didn't see that one coming. But after I thought about it and read the definition and all that. . . it started to make sense. It says, "the gift of celibacy is the special ability that God gives to certain members of the body of Christ to remain single and enjoy it and not suffer undue sexual temptations." I guess I qualify for that. I guess I'm okay with that. But I'm not sure that really ministers to other people. I mean I guess it does indirectly, but generally I think it just means that I'm ok with my marital status or lack there of.

Anyhow, tied for number three were missionary, wisdom and service. Tied in fourth was pastor and hospitality. After that it got to the gifts that I was not really great in on down to the gifts that I have absolutely no gifting in. Let's put it this way, if you are looking for an apostle or someone to interpret tongues for you. . . I'm not your girl.

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