Sunday, August 13, 2006

A Little Slice of Heaven

Tonight I experienced a little bit of what heaven might be like. Me and my little sis sitting on the dock by the river, smoking cigars, drinking wine and talking. It was a really good talk too. We talked about life and our goals and the journeys we've been on over the last year and a half while we've been apart. She listened to me talk about Egypt and I listened to her talk about her struggles and victories over the last few months. I've always felt close with Mary, but I think this is the closest I've ever felt to her. She's grown up a lot. She's seeing things more clearly. Listening to her talk was actually really inspirational to me. She is such a gem.
Also, I got to see a few more old friends (Pam, Von, Tera, Adam, Erin, Jeremiah, Miles, Brandi and Jenn) briefly tonight and that was really nice. Old friends are great!

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