Monday, September 26, 2005

Nothing Like a Chick Flick

There is nothing like a chick flick to somehow make the female mind twist and contort into something completely irrational. I watched one tonight that had me for a split second thinking "ya know, maybe a girl could bang a complete stranger in an airplane and that guy turn out to be 'mr. Right' ". . . sure . . . it could happen . . . WHEN MONKEYS FLY OUT OF MY BUTTHOLE!!! What kind of sick person tries to distort women's mind into thinking that doing something like that would be an ok idea. Obviously sick perverted men write these movies (no offense guys, I do realize that you are not all sick and perverted). Anyhow, that enough of my ranting for the night. It's time to hit the hay.


Anonymous said...

I don't think I've seen that one. But I know what you mean. Somehow these totally impossible, unrealistic situations seem completely usual and almost expected. Like "I sure wish that would happen to me." Then there's quality "chick flicks" that truly inspire you like Towanda! Seems wrong to even put that in the same category, but alot of people do.

Dottie said...

You are right. Even when the quality ones have content that is a bit unlikely at least it's unlikely in a good way. Does that maker sense? Like they inspire you to do something out of the ordinairy, but something good. . . not something completely idiotic.

patrick | steed said...

WHAT MOVIE WAS THAT?? i mean, what movie was that?